New ways of doing business

New ways of doing business

I would like to continue the theme of the Business Model Canvas and look at Channels.  As we start a new year it is a great time to think about how you can stand out from the competition, and offer your customers something new – not necessarily a new product...
Ideal customer

Ideal customer

Following on from the Value Proposition last time this week’s topic is “The Ideal Client” – this relates to Box 2 on the Business Model Canvas – Customer Segments. I spend a lot of time with clients talking about THEIR ideal client and the value proposition. ...
Value Proposition

Value Proposition

I spend a lot of time with clients talking about THEIR ideal client and the value proposition.  When I introduced the Business Model Canvas a few weeks ago I touched on both – so this week I want to delve more deeply into the Value Proposition – the Ideal Client will...