
Time is (literally) money

Time is (literally) money

Are you a coach, a consultant or a trainer - or anyone else who trades their time for money? In general, do you have to be present in order to get paid?   This also applies to those in the trades - painters, heating engineers and joiners for example - if you're not...

Factors affecting your business

Factors affecting your business

It's always worth taking some time out to consider factors that can affect your business - perhaps as part of a SWOT analysis.  Identifying threats or opportunities as early as possible helps us to plan - to take advantage of opportunities, or to mitigate...

Diversity and Inclusion

Diversity and Inclusion

What do you think of if you hear someone mention “Diversity and Inclusion ”?  What does it mean to you - and mean for your business?  Is it something that you consider when hiring, or when you thing about your customer base? First of all - what it it?  You know me – I...



Systems! – I suppose many of you immediately thought about "software" – but if you stop and think for 10 seconds then of course you will realise that we start wayyyyyy before that! Here is an acronym I discovered recently (you may have come across it before) - and it...



  A few weeks ago we talked about Habits – about thinking about the persona you want to be and then making the appropriate choices – whenever you are faced with a “difficult” option! This week I bring you self-sabotage!  We start off with the best of intentions, but...

The Art of Giving

The Art of Giving

There is a phrase you may have heard - “Givers Gain” – it is the philosophy of a well-known global business networking organisation (and yes I am a member) – and for a very good reason. It’s a great way to live your life – both your personal life and your business...

Habits – revisited

Habits – revisited

Some months ago I spoke about Encouraging Better Habits - it's a topic dear to my heart so here are some further thoughts - particularly at this time of year! It can’t have escaped your notice that January is traditionally the time of year to break habits or embed new...

What is Work?

What is Work?

 Do what you love, and you’ll never work another day in your life. I spoke about this recently in a facebook live – and it is iften attributed to Mark Twain who probably got it from Confucius! I really was thinking about this from my own point of view. I love what I...

Goal Setting

Goal Setting

This week’s topic is Goal Setting! Or more accurately not goal setting! (and New Years Resolutions are so last century!) Chances are – every second post on your linked in timeline at the beginning of January was talking about goal setting. My guess is that you fall...

Marginal Gains

Marginal Gains

This is a topic that is very dear to my heart, and one that I mention all the time with clients. Let me take you back a few years to the 2012 Olympics (it goes back a little bit before that, but that is when the topic started to be talked about widely).  If you...